(New York, New York | Camden, New Jersey) Victor Musical Industries via its Victor Talking Machine Co unit will merge its ‘Voice Of The Victor’/Victor product catalog into ‘Melody Maker'‘, after acquiring the legendary music media brand in 2021. ‘Melody Maker’ will act as music magazine/digital periodical that aligns its interests with VMI products and services, converting the traditional Victor catalog into what the company believes will be a more ‘re-readable’ quarterly music-centric periodical with advertising space reserved for VMI products, projects, and services. First published in the 1940s, Melody Maker would go on to become a well known music media brand until it was discontinued by its previous brand holders in the early 2000s. VMI’s strategic acquisition of the brand will allow for greater exposure of Victor artists and projects, while following a ‘brand magazine’ format that has had success in other commercial sectors. The aviation industry, for example has long published its own ‘in flight’ magazines (ie; DELTA’s ‘SKY’ Magazine) to great success - something VMI hopes to expand upon in music and home media industry.
The first edition is expected to be launched in Q3 of 2022.
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Victor Musical Industries
VMI Forms ‘The Caroline Group’ As Media Arm
Victor Musical Industries Completes Divestment, Paving the Way for Strategic Separation of Divisions