Victor Entertainment presents:
This 70s Show!: A Live Celebration Of Music's Greatest Decade
A live music & show production featuring the fabled 'Victor Company Players' (pop/rock and symphonic musicians & vocalists), stunning multimedia, stage effects, and a Broadway pedigree like no other, This 70s Show! is a full live musical and multimedia journey into the greatest music of the 1970s.
Presented in 2 acts, and featuring over 30 songs, This 70s Show! expertly combines a multi screen complimenting backdrop of some of the most artistic and impactful imagery of the 1970s era - paired with expertly executed music from original past masters like Elton John, David Bowie, The Eagles, Paul Simon, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Carol King, The Cars, The BeeGees, and many more; This 70s Show! is a fun filled, sing-along journey into some of the greatest music ever made during what was one of the greatest eras of western society.
SHOW: 8:00PM
ABOUT PAST MASTERS®: PAST MASTERS® is one of the world’s preeminent classic music organizations. Its aim is to preserve the integrity of the art & science of the golden era of recorded music as it was performed, recorded, and composed - while educating and illustrating its transformative power to the widest possible audience. Like the world’s foremost symphonic organizations, PAST MASTERS® was formed out of reverence for the golden era of recorded sound and aims to preserve this art-form for future generations by creating musical, educational, and immersive experiences for followers and connoisseurs of the world’s most beloved era of music. Through innovative live programming, robust educational/research initiatives, and commitment to the integrity and craft of the music community, PAST MASTERS® team of world renowned musicians, recording engineers, and music journalists are creating an expansive future for the golden era of music in an era that needs it more than ever
ABOUT VICTOR ENTERTAINMENT: Victor Entertainment is the division of Victor Musical Industries tasked with the development and promotion of live stage productions, and administration of Victor's showcase venue, The Victor Vault, at Victor Bldg. 19.